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导读 尝到甜头后学习真的会上瘾尝到甜头后一发不可收拾尝到甜头后越来越过分尝到甜头后分泌多巴胺尝到甜头后上瘾網頁在英语中翻译 尝到了甜头 got a taste for it. 毕竟尝到了甜头 就像你说的. After he got a taste for it, like you said. 一些纳税人也尝到了甜头。 Some taxpayers are enjoying a windfall, too. 该方案已经使1500多位妇女尝到了甜头。 The scheme has benefited more than 1500 women. 你在什么上面尝到了甜头 你就去做. When you see something that is technically … ...

網頁在英语中翻译"尝到了甜头" got a taste for it. 毕竟尝到了甜头 就像你说的. After he got a taste for it, like you said. 一些纳税人也尝到了甜头。 Some taxpayers are enjoying a windfall, too. 该方案已经使1500多位妇女尝到了甜头。 The scheme has benefited more than 1500 women. 你在什么上面尝到了甜头 你就去做. When you see something that is technically …

網頁尝到甜头 的英文. 发音: "尝到甜头"怎么读 用"尝到甜头"造句. 英文翻译 手机版. have tasted the sweetness of sth.; become aware of the benefits of sth.; come to know the good of sth. "尝"英文翻译 taste; try the flavour of. "到"英文翻译 39. "甜头"英文翻译 sweet taste; pleasant flavou "因初次胜利而尝到甜头" 英文翻译 : taste blood. "尝到" 英文翻译 : savour. "甜头" …

網 頁 chang dao tian tou de ying wen . fa yin : " chang dao tian tou " zen me du yong " chang dao tian tou " zao ju . ying wen fan yi shou ji ban . h a v e t a s t e d t h e s w e e t n e s s o f s t h . ; b e c o m e a w a r e o f t h e b e n e f i t s o f s t h . ; c o m e t o k n o w t h e g o o d o f s t h . " chang " ying wen fan yi t a s t e ; t r y t h e f l a v o u r o f . " dao " ying wen fan yi 3 9 . " tian tou " ying wen fan yi s w e e t t a s t e ; p l e a s a n t f l a v o u . . . " yin chu ci sheng li er chang dao tian tou " ying wen fan yi : t a s t e b l o o d . " chang dao " ying wen fan yi : s a v o u r . " tian tou " …

網頁盛火陶瓷尝到了其中的甜头. 互联网. He that will have egg must endure the cackle of hen. 要尝甜头,先吃苦头. 互联网. Carry make this village savor agriculture machinery changed benefit. 运输使这个村尝到了“农机化”的甜头. 互联网. Remedy which was bitter to the taste , when inwardly receive was sweet. 良苦苦在甜头, 甜在心头. 互联网. He knows Best what …

網頁释义. have tasted the sweetness of sth.; become aware of the benefits of sth.; come to know the good of sth. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供尝到甜头的中文意思,尝到甜头的用法讲解,尝到甜头的读音,尝到甜头的同义词,尝到甜头的反义词,尝到甜头的例句等英语服务。.

網頁动词. taste blood. taste the sweetness. 所以我保证她现在还能尝到甜头. So I guarantee she can still taste blood. 我想我尝到甜头。 I THINK I TASTE BLOOD. 方便,仅2分钟杰马萨尔瓦多活£像宫殿和马拉喀什露天市场走,里亚德萨尔瓦多酒店Kennaria你会尝到甜头的东方生活。 您将享受庭院东方气息和舒适的房间,你考虑的马拉喀什的夜晚。


網頁Translation of "尝到了甜头" in English. got a taste for it. 毕竟尝到了甜头 就像你说的. After he got a taste for it, like you said. 一些纳税人也尝到了甜头。 Some taxpayers are enjoying a windfall, too. 该方案已经使1500多位妇女尝到了甜头。 The scheme has benefited more than 1500 women. 你在什么上面尝到了甜头 你就去做. When you see something that is …

網頁我尝到了成功的甜头作文 篇1. 六岁那年,我深深地明白:想尝甜头,先吃苦头。 那年暑假,妈妈下定决心让我学游泳。 年幼无知的我,并不清楚这背后所需付出的艰辛,便欣然答应,蹦蹦跳跳地开始了游泳的学习生活。 然而受尽煎熬的第一次下水,就让我彻底后悔了。 没当我潜入水中,那调皮的水精灵就带着一股消毒粉味,窜进我的鼻孔,呛得我只掉眼泪 …


網頁要获得甜味就要激发“甜味感受器”,才能让大脑尝到甜头。 味觉受体第一家族是一类能感知甜味和鲜味的受体家族,它包括T1R1、T1R2、T1R3三个成员,在哺乳动物的味觉细胞上起着关键作用。 对于人和动物来说,当甜味分子激活舌上皮味蕾上的甜味受体,经过一个复杂的传递过程,然后激活大脑的奖赏区,释放出多巴胺等神经递质,一份适合的甜点不仅能 …

網頁【写作指导】 这是一道命题作文,虽然是二选一,不过只是角度不同罢了。 一个是“尝到甜头”,一个是“尝到苦头”。 细审题目,不难发现,所写的重点内容应该是“之后”的事情。 而“尝到甜头或者苦头”只是一个引子,是引出“之后”事件的“来龙”。 再来说说选材与立意。 “甜头”,指在获得某种事物或者经历中的愉悦和满足感。

網頁2008年10月9日 · 5个回答. #热议# 为什么说不要把裤子提到肚脐眼? sassygirl33. 推荐于2017-11-26 · TA获得超过112个赞. 关注. 好多种说法 在不同的情况中. 举个例子: when you taste honey,remember gall. 尝着甜头,别忘了苦头。 No politician likes to let go of power once he has tasted it. 吃政治饭的认一旦尝到了权利的甜头就不愿自动放弃它。 taste …

