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导读 我只想要你的爱我只想要你的偏爱和例外我只想要你快乐我只想要你歌曲我只想要你的信息素網頁能够想要的. the whole nine yards phrase informal mainly US. everything you can possibly want, have, or do in a particular situation: When I was little, my family always had lots of pets - dogs, cats, hamsters, fish, rabbits - the whole nine yards. 我小时候家里总是有许多宠物:狗、猫、仓鼠、鱼、兔子,应有尽有。. ...

網頁能够想要的. the whole nine yards phrase informal mainly US. everything you can possibly want, have, or do in a particular situation: When I was little, my family always had lots of pets - dogs, cats, hamsters, fish, rabbits - the whole nine yards. 我小时候家里总是有许多宠物:狗、猫、仓鼠、鱼、兔子,应有尽有。.


網頁有所遗漏?. 报告错误或提出改进建议. 标题中含有单词 '想要' 的论坛讨论:. Cantonese: 你想要那一个牌子的香烟. 希望 / 愿意 / 想要. 想 / 要. 想 / 要. 想 / 要 / 想要. 要 / 想要.

網 頁 you suo yi lou ? . bao gao cuo wu huo ti chu gai jin jian yi . biao ti zhong han you dan ci ' xiang yao ' de lun tan tao lun : . C a n t o n e s e : ni xiang yao na yi ge pai zi de xiang yan . xi wang / yuan yi / xiang yao . xiang / yao . xiang / yao . xiang / yao / xiang yao . yao / xiang yao .

網頁想要 [xiǎnɡ yào] EN. volume_up. go for. feel like. volume_up.

網頁A1. to wish for a particular thing or plan of action. "Want" is not used in polite requests. 想要,希望(英国英语中礼貌的请求不用 want) I want some chocolate. 我想要些巧克力。 She wants a meeting with you. 她想跟你见面。 He's everything you'd ever want in a man - bright, funny and attractive. 他具备你理想中男人的所有特质——聪明、风趣而又有魅力。 [ + to …


網頁字詞:欲,注音:ㄩˋ,欠部+7畫 共11畫 (常用字),釋義: [名] 1.願望,想得到滿足的意念。. 如:「食欲」、「欲望」。. 《易經.損卦.象曰》:「山下有澤損,君子以懲忿窒欲。. 」 2.情慾。. 同「慾」。. 《禮記.樂記》:「君子樂得其道;小人樂得其欲。. 」漢

網頁1 (= wish for) 想要 xiǎng yào. 2 ( inf: need) 需要 xūyào. II n [s] ( frm: lack ) want of 缺乏 quēfá. III. wants n pl (= needs) 需求 xūqiú. to want to do sth. 想要做某事 xiǎng yào zuò mǒushì. to want sb to do sth. 希望某人做某事 xīwàng mǒurén zuò mǒushì. to want sth done. 要别 (別)人把某事做好 yào biérén bǎ mǒushì zuòhǎo. your hair wants cutting/washing.

網頁字詞:想,注音:ㄒㄧㄤˇ,心部+9畫 共13畫 (常用字),釋義: [動] 1.思索、思考。. 如:「想辦法」、「想不出所以然」。. 元.馬致遠〈夜行船.酒病花愁何日徹套.離亭宴煞〉:「煮酒燒紅葉,想人生有限杯,渾幾個重陽節。. 」 2.欲、要、打算、希望。. 如:「想


網頁C1. to want something, especially strongly. (尤指強烈地)渴望,希望,想要. I desire only to be left in peace. 我只想清清靜靜地不受打擾。 The hotel had everything you could possibly desire. 那間飯店有你可能想要的任何東西。 What does her Ladyship desire me to do/desire of me? 夫人她想要我做些甚麼? [ + to infinitive ] The president desires to meet …



網頁2024年3月15日 · Cantonese. ( Standard Cantonese, Guangzhou – Hong Kong) +. Jyutping: soeng2 jiu3. Yale: séung yiu. Cantonese Pinyin: soeng2 jiu3. Guangdong Romanization: sêng2 yiu3. Sinological IPA ( key): /sœːŋ³⁵ jiːu̯³³/ Verb. [ edit] 想要. would like; want; wish to have. 我 想要 一 所 帶 閣樓 的 房子 。 [ MSC, trad.] 我 想要 一 所 带 阁楼 的 房子 。 [ …

