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导读 华体体育app官网兄弟:简直是杰作!婚路迷途娇妻的谎言!适合夜里一个人偷偷看,平台回应:那肯定啊!爆料qq群807866692!打开:受不了真的是太燃了!緑帽社最新网站!看一眼都忘不了,网友:真有这么好?老苏!网友:睡不着求救大哥!網頁an occasion when someone is kidnapped. 绑架者. abductor uk / æbˈdʌk.tər/ us / æbˈdʌk.tɚ/ noun. a person who makes someone go somewhere with them, especially using threats or violence: She was tortured by her abductors. 她受到了绑架者的折磨。 kidnapper uk / ˈkɪd.næp.ər/ us / ˈkɪd.næp.ɚ/ noun. ...

網頁an occasion when someone is kidnapped. 绑架者. abductor uk / æbˈdʌk.tər/ us / æbˈdʌk.tɚ/ noun. a person who makes someone go somewhere with them, especially using threats or violence: She was tortured by her abductors. 她受到了绑架者的折磨。 kidnapper uk / ˈkɪd.næp.ər/ us / ˈkɪd.næp.ɚ/ noun.

網頁英语 中文 abduction n (kidnapping) SC Simplified Chinese 绑架 bǎng jià SC Simplified Chinese 劫持 bǎng jià,jié chí There's been an abduction from the royal palace. kidnap sb vtr (abduct) SC Simplified Chinese 诱拐,拐走 yòu guǎi SC Simplified Chinese

網 頁 ying yu zhong wen a b d u c t i o n n ( k i d n a p p i n g ) S C S i m p l i f i e d C h i n e s e bang jia b ǎ n g j i à S C S i m p l i f i e d C h i n e s e jie chi b ǎ n g j i à , j i é c h í T h e r e ' s b e e n a n a b d u c t i o n f r o m t h e r o y a l p a l a c e . k i d n a p s b v t r ( a b d u c t ) S C S i m p l i f i e d C h i n e s e you guai , guai zou y ò u g u ǎ i S C S i m p l i f i e d C h i n e s e

網頁绑架. 劫持. 拐骗. Two businessmen have been kidnapped by terrorists. 两名商人遭恐怖分子绑架。 牛津词典. The kidnappers are demanding a ransom of $1 million. 劫持者索要100万元赎金。 牛津词典. [不可数名词, 可数名词]He admitted the charge of kidnap. 他对绑架的指控供认不讳。 牛津词典. the kidnapping of 12 US citizens. 对12名美国公民的劫持. 牛津词 …

網頁『欧路词典』为您提供绑架的用法讲解,告诉您准确全面的绑架的中文意思,绑架的读音,绑架的同义词,绑架的反义词,绑架的例句。 欧路词典 法语助手

網頁Abduction. [电影]绑架; 实用场景例句. 全部. kidnap. Two youngsters have been arrested and charged with kidnapping. 已有两名年轻人被逮捕并被控绑架。 柯林斯例句. No sooner had he arrived in Rome than he was kidnapped. 他刚到罗马就遭到了绑架。 柯林斯例句. He was charged with the kidnap of a 25 year-old woman. 他被指控绑架一名25岁的女子。 柯林斯 …

網頁to take a person away illegally by force, usually in order to demand money in exchange for releasing them. 绑架;劫持. The wife of a businessman was kidnapped from her home in London last night. 昨天晚上一个商人的妻子在她伦敦的家中遭到了绑架。. 同义词.

網頁the act of making a person go somewhere with you, especially using threats or violence. 绑架;劫持;诱拐. There has been a series of abductions of young children from schools in the area. 该地区已经发生了一系列从学校诱拐小学生的案件。. He was charged with abduction. 他被指控绑架。.

網頁To kidnap someone is to take them away illegally and by force, and usually to hold them prisoner in order to demand something from their family, employer, or government. Police uncovered a plot to kidnap him. 美式英语: kidnap / ˈkɪdnæp /. 阿拉伯语: يَخْتَطِفُ.

網頁你如何将“绑架"翻译成英文 : kidnap, kidnapping, abduction.例句 : 要是有人绑架了Tom呢?你会怎么做? ↔ What if someone kidnapped Tom? What would you do?


網頁EN. volume_up. kidnap. abduct. 翻译. CN. 绑架 [bǎnɡ jià] {名词} volume_up. 绑架 (又作: 劫持, 诱导, 诱拐, 展) volume_up. abduction {名词} CN. 绑架 [bǎngjià] {动词} volume_up. 绑架 (又作: 拐骗, 勒赎, 拐带, 绑票, 诱拐, 诱拐 (小孩)) volume_up. kidnap [ kidnapped|kidnapped] {动} 绑架 (又作: 劫持, 使外展, 拐走, 诱拐) volume_up. abduct {动}

